I wanted to thank you and your team for the excellent conclusion of the installation of the dome in Ny-Alesund. In spite of some early issues, your team worked very hard to get the installation team on the ground in Ny-Alesund and complete the work on time.
I appreciated that it ended up not too early for us in the US to participate in the acceptance testing. The testing went very well and we and NMA were happy with the results of the test. (...) While it will not be for a while, we do anticipate working together again on additional procurements for other planned observatories that we will build for NASA’s new network of SLR systems.
Thank you for making this project successful. It is a pleasure to work with Baader Planetarium.SCOTT WETZEL, NASA
A significant activity is taking place at the Norwegian Mapping Authority's Ny-Ålesund Geodetic Observatory in Svalbard, Norway. NASA is making progress in the development of a new satellite laser ranging system (SLR) at the observatory. SLR is fundamental to precisely determining the position of retro-reflector equipped satellites which in turn provides important information into the generation of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame and an understanding of where everything is. The measurements made from SLR systems around the world are helping countries make informed decisions about climate, sea rise, and other important major changes that are affecting the Earth.
See Video and read more at: space-geodesy.nasa.gov > NSGN > Ny_Alesund
Further details about the system requirements, design specifications, performance metrics, and the benefits of the SGSLR system for global geodetic infrastructure can be found here.
Check out also the other Baader 4.2m Highspeed Domes for NASA at McDonald Observatory (Texas) and at the Goddard Space Flight Center (Washington, DC)