We, the Bernau Observatory, would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Baader Planetarium GmbH for their support and implementation of this project. After nearly two years of construction, both the observatory and the daycare center "Sternekieker" have been completed.
The new building here in Blumenhag houses both an observatory and a daycare center. The structure is crowned by an impressive 4.2m Baader dome, which protectively covers the new instruments.
Since the early 1980s, we have been teaching children and students in the area the basics of science at our observatory and showing them the beauties of the universe.
Through evening lectures, sky walks, workshops, and much more, we are also available to all other interested parties, young and old, to show them the beauties of the sky around us.
Bernau Observatory
Press reports (German):
- www.bernau-live.de/kita-in-bernau-bekommt-kuppel-der-sternwarte-aufs-dach
- www.bernau-live.de/am-22-august-eroeffnet-die-neue-kita-sternekieker-in-bernau
- www.barverlag.de/sternwartenkuppel-ziert-die-kita-sternekieker
Note from Baader Planetarium GmbH:
As an "astronomical company" in Bavaria, we too would like our children to be placed in close proximity to an astronomical/scientific facility, where the aim is to introduce children to scientific principles at the start of their academic careers and to show them the wonders of the universe in such a beautiful facility in such a diverse way. Therefore, we view this extraordinary project near Berlin with both admiration and a bit of envy.
Considering the high standards set for this project, we made our utmost effort to contribute to its success. It is a fulfilling task to be involved in a project from the beginning, providing construction advice for the optimal design of the observatory, air guidance in the entrance area, and its low-vibration foundation, as well as instrument advice for introducing children to all aspects of astronomical observation and measurements in the most diverse way possible.
We wish this special facility luck - and many generations of children who may learn from the beginning in such a good and convincing way what the difference is between scientific facts and "alternative facts." The world urgently needs such facilities.