The company Baader Planetarium GmbH was founded in 1966 in Munich. After our then first and only product, the Baader Planetarium, was sold worldwide, we soon started to manufacture projection domes for it directly in our premises in Munich.
The projection domes became quite popular and slowly also the inquiries for astronomical observation domes increased. So we started to build observatory domes and first rented a factory hall in Mammendorf. In 1991 we moved to our new company building( with 4.2M Classic Dome on the roof) in Mammendorf.
New since 1991:
2007: The 4.2M dome on our company roof (shown here in many pictures) is actually the second dome on our building. It is a modern version with a much wider gap (slit) than our first productions, and replaced the first dome, which had been in perfect service for 16 years and was then sold again (see picture on the right of the old dome on the company roof and the new dome in the forecourt).
The dome currently installed on the house does not serve as a public observatory (as is often assumed), but as our laboratory where we try out new ideas and techniques. Furthermore, we occasionally make them available to professional customers for testing optics, calibrating programs, etc. via remote access. It is equipped with everything we have to offer in dome construction: robotic and fully automatic, remote controllable, emergency closing mechanism and much more ...- In 2011 the 4.2m dome was equipped with a GM 4000 QCI and a Planewave CDK 24 telescope. The dome is permanently in use for various product and software tests.
- In 2012 we started with the construction of our logistics building, from where now the entire dispatch of goods and also the major part of our production (except domes) takes place. Impressions of the logistics building and its forecourt can be found in our news article on the Partial Solar Eclipse in Germany, 2015.