First of all, a heartfelt thank you to the team at Baader Planetarium for making a dream come true that I couldn’t even have imagined years ago.
At the beginning of 2021, it was decided that I would receive a piece of land in my hometown, which is both darkly situated and elevated. So, I asked the most renowned home builder in the area if they could manage to place a dome on top of the house. Curiosity and the challenge were sparked.
It’s worth mentioning that the dome system, the setup, etc., were already familiar due to the support of the Einstein Gymnasium in Neuenhagen in acquiring image data and resolving technical issues. What was missing was just a bit of madness (I’m not alone in this) to incorporate it into the plans for the new home.
During the planning phase, everything was coordinated carefully. Both sides preferred to double- and triple-check everything to rule out any sources of error so that everything would run smoothly during construction and assembly. And, of course, so that everything would remain satisfactory after completion—something every customer naturally wishes for.
Thanks to all participants, this was wonderfully successful. Without the selfless provision of information and expertise—something that is increasingly rare these days—this project would have been a complete failure.
Now, a 2.6m slit dome sits proudly on the bay window, supported by a wooden substructure. Inside, completely decoupled from the dome, is a 10Micron GM 3000HPS mount on a steel pier with its own concrete foundation.
The first 100 hours of image material have already been collected, and everything is running flawlessly. And even if you feel that something isn’t “running,” with Baader Planetarium, you always have a partner who communicates on equal footing and always gives their best. What more could I want?
Kevin Krüger