Baader Planetarium GmbH specializes in in professional observatory integration. We offer turn key, browser controlled observatory solutions with thermally insulated and hermetically sealed domes. Recent example is a fully remote controlled educational observatory in the UAE. The project included initial design of the observatory building with all technical parameters and on-site analysis of the location suitability and ground preparation - as well as recommending the proper instrument size for the chosen site.
The telescope configuration consists of:
Note a TV report of the project inauguration (the Sharjah Center for Astronomy & Space Sciences). Our part was the (white) observatory building with all telescopes and full integration into the Planetarium-IT. The purpose of the installation is to present life stream images of astronomical objects onto the planetarium dome as well as onto any beamer inside the building - and lastly - directly to the local TV-station. It is a unique opportunity for any Science Museum and Planetarium Institution, to interlink a working observatory with local Universities and use it for student and public education and excitement alike. There is no better way to create awareness of the Universe around us and to draw young people into becoming aware of the value of a career in sciences. The "public-outreach-factor" is unparallelled, when life-content of astronomical events can be created locally and broadcast in the TV for drawing the public to the Museum or Planetarium in a way not thought possible until now.
The observatory is situated in the Emirat Sharjah (1hr drive from Dubai Airport). The observatory site is largely compromized by the local surroundings. But still this video is a first proof of the value of modern, dust protected telescope equipment, perfect dome temperature control and hermetic dust seals, combined with light management & high tech filter technology.
Our 50 years of experience in observatory design and our ability to deal with the adverse parameters of the location is key, in order to obtain first class quality images through each of the three telescope in the observatory. Such results serve as useful contribution to public education and science awareness. A number of the images in this video are marked Copyright Sharjah Observatory and are a product of the very first night of observation. The selection of telescopes deliberately was chosen as humble in size, in order to become most useful under the surrounding seeing conditions for each of the different observational tasks.
Within short, the main reflecting telescope will be equipped with a professional Echelle-Spectrograph, to enable real science to be achieved from a site thought most impossible to provide valuable results.